What would it be like to be cared for right now? Let the angels help. Your role is to simply act and ask. 1. Breathe in like it is your first breath. Notice how fantastic it feels to breathe in deeply. Your body knows exactly what to do to relax. 2. Clear Your Energy. Say out loud or in your mind "Thank you, Angels, for clearing and shielding … [Read more...]
Angels are Working for You Right Now
Angels are always relaxed but never casual in their care for you. Imagine a world in which everyone expresses themselves positively and with love. Where people focus on what they desire with a heart full of abundance. Where we take action from a place of loving confidence, rather than reacting out of fear. One by one, choice by choice, we … [Read more...]
Several people I have spoken with recently have expressed a feeling of apathy. This is showing up in these two beliefs: "What I do doesn't matter." and "There is no point in trying to do anything." Apathy is feedback from your soul indicating that you are ready for a shift. We shift by letting go. Going to the next level of consciousness will … [Read more...]
Care and Harm
Have you noticed how agreements with ourselves and others are being broken? Now is the time to allow old habits and patterns to recede into the background, and welcome new methods and perspectives to come forward. We have an opportunity to be fresh in our approach to different aspects of life. For instance, if we look at our lives in terms of … [Read more...]
The Gift of Acknowledgement (for Robin Williams)
In 2001, I attended an event in which Robin Williams was being interviewed. Eventually he abandoned the formal interview and began to brilliantly improvise for the audience. We were all in tears from laughing. His genius was astounding. At the end of the program, he came down to the front row, where I was, to greet us. He was very humble as he did … [Read more...]