The popular HBO show Westworld features robots who are designed to live a life that repeats, living the same pattern over and over with variation but no learning. The drama comes when a software change enables the robots to develop consciousness and use their free will to change their fate. Perhaps the popularity and resonance of the show is in … [Read more...]
Free Healing Calls
*The dial in number is (319) 527-3510, the the code 276469# Every Tuesday at 7pm PST / 10pm EST Welcome to the Free Healing Call. During these weekly calls, we will work with angels and guides to heal and clear aspects of our lives that no longer serve us. We will replace the old with sparkling fresh energy and perspectives. Each week, we'll … [Read more...]
Angels are Constant
Angels are constant. They don't come and go. They are always with us. It is our awareness of them that varies. Using our free will, we can choose to notice the angels more frequently and build a stronger relationship with them. … [Read more...]
Affirmation - "It is safe for me to be safe." Our sense of safety, or lack of, is the primary distraction to being in our power. We want to be certain that we are safe. To refresh our experience of safety, we can make this simple request: "Thank you, angels, for protecting me always." Once that request is made, allow yourself to tune into … [Read more...]
About Time and Change
I saw the charming film About Time and was amazed by the high level of sensitivity the filmmaker sustained. The film is about being present and experiencing the richness of life as it happens, rather than in reflection (or not at all). It also contains a great example of how change happens. The basic plot revolves around a young man who can … [Read more...]