This is the moment for all of us to actively engage all of our spiritual knowledge and skill. Let's not wait for a calamity or a disastrous election. Let's act, not react. Let's use our free will to choose what we want. Let's use our free will to create. In doing so, we interrupt the false idea that we call fate. Nothing is set in … [Read more...]
Where Does Love Stop?
Where does love stop? Where does hate start? Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who has refused to do her job and issue marriage licenses to gay couples, is being celebrated by a slice of America for choosing to put her beliefs over her duty. The issue here is not about gay marriage or her faith. The issue is hate. She stands as an … [Read more...]
Attract Your Divine Partner Online Course
Attract Your Divine Partner is a seven part process that focuses on making visible the unseen influences on our romantic and sexual lives. The process begins with placing our attention on ourselves, and then progressively clearing away beliefs, patterns and experiences that no longer serve us from: this lifetime, our ancestry, past lives and … [Read more...]
There is No Limit to What Angels Can Do
There are no slacker angels. There is no Archangel Chet, who would rather eat nachos while playing video games than respond to our requests for help. Angels are angels, not human. It is their job and their joy to support us. When we free ourselves from any beliefs of what they can or can't do, we become even more receptive to the their help. The … [Read more...]
Two Videos: Clearing and Shielding Your Energy and Clearing Vows
Clearing and Shielding Your Energy Clearing your energy is just like brushing your teeth and combing your hair - you wouldn't leave the house without doing it. Clearing Vows In under 7 minutes, release outdated information and make room for what you want to come in. Angels work with humor. In this video I say the word "shower" at 4:04. … [Read more...]
Experiencing Everyone as One
For the last week, I've spent time each day consciously being in a state of Oneness. Oneness is a space where we acknowledge that everything is part of the same energy. We are all One. Another way to say this is that Oneness is unconditional love. I have been practicing this in places where there are lots of people, like on the subway in New … [Read more...]
Video – It Is All Going to Work Out
Enjoy the video. … [Read more...]
Video – How Your Guides Feel About You
Have you ever thought "Oh, the angels don't like me."? Here is a new video - How Your Guides Feel About You - which talks about our habit of emotionalizing our connection with angels and guides. … [Read more...]