What does it mean to come out of the spiritual closet?
We have all seen social media selfies of someone holding a crystal with a serene smile and a caption that reads: “I’m enlightened, bitches!! #whitelight #saintgermain #iseethelight #youareallsobeautiful!”
Another version is a declaration to your circle of friends and family that you have a new perspective of life that deeply resonates with you. An expression of “This is who I am and what I believe”.
Yet, there is a different approach that is more aligned with the essence of spirituality itself:
You come out of the spiritual closet by just being. You embody your spirituality.
Your spirituality is sacred. As you develop muscle with your spiritual practice, there is a benefit in choosing who you talk to about it. Words of doubt and questioning from others can be hard, especially in the early stages of your practice, as they can dilute the clarity you feel. Telling everyone you know about your spirituality, or even half of your circle, may not serve you – or them. Not telling everyone is not hiding. It is practicing discernment.
The changes that you make, mainly the shifts in your energy, will be evident to all. You will be happier. People will notice and say “You’ve changed.” They will see your bright eyes and ask “What are you doing differently?”
Here are eight steps to guide you through the process of knowing yourself better and being visible in your spirituality:
Focus on You
Be present with yourself. Learn to master your attention by placing it first and foremost on yourself. This is not selfish, it is mastery. Focus on what you want to happen, rather than reacting to circumstances. Many of us are used to (and praised for) focusing on others first and ourselves last. This takes us out of our power. What focusing on yourself looks like is creating each day through intention, prayer and/or meditation, then visualizing what you want. This sets you up to take action toward your highest good, and makes you more available to be present with everyone you encounter (family, friends, strangers). That availability is power. Everyone around you will notice the change in you, as you will be more calm, centered and balanced.
Community is Key
Spiritual work is not meant to be done alone. It can be challenging when you see what is actually happening in the world from a spiritually perspective (that our thoughts manifest) and discover that so few people are talking about it. Cultivate a community of like-minded people to talk to and share with. New information and ideas come to us more often through acquaintances rather than our close circle of friends and family. Within spiritual groups, online forums and with individuals, notice of who is actually doing the work (the few) and who is just talking about it (the many). Those are two totally different things. The folks who are doing the work will have much more to offer you on a practical level. Pick your people.
Release Convincing Others
Interrupt the impulse to say to your family and friends “You gotta try this!” When you do share with others, focus on what you are experiencing and what you are getting out of your spiritual work. Have a healthy dose of non-attachment for the hope that everyone will understand or be interested in what you are doing. Not everyone will, as our spiritual lives are so individual. What can be challenging is seeing where others could benefit from activities such as meditation, but telling them that does very little, as it lands in the arena of advice. People have to want to change, so release the impulse to fix others, drop any judgment and focus on you. There is not just one way to be. Be your authentic self by focusing on what you want. Thriving models possibilities. Happiness and vitality speak volumes.
Walk Your Talk
Unconditional love and Oneness are the way. Anything that you say or do that makes someone else “them” and you “us” takes you out of Oneness (“we”) and into duality. This includes thinking “I’m spiritual and they’re not.” When people tell you how spiritually “advanced” they are, they are actually telling you that they know very little. This is a declaration of separation and is not the conversation among folks who do the work, as it takes you out of the present moment and into comparison. Bob Dylan doesn’t walk around thinking “I’m the greatest songwriter.” He is in the present and available to the next new song. Spirituality is a daily activity to align yourself with the truth of who you are: A powerful being who is here to change, embody love and share their gifts. Everyone is doing their best. Everyone on the planet is bonded by our desire for peace and love. Unconditional love includes loving people you do not like.
The People in Your Life Will Change
Some of the friends you have now will go. They will be replaced by others. You may be surprised by who goes. When one person is changing and another is not, you cease being in vibrational harmony with each other. The consistent dynamic with spiritual people is that there are less people around, but the new connections you make are quicker and stronger bonds.
Take Excellent Care of Yourself.
You are now working consciously with vibration. Take daily action to keep raising your vibration. A simple action that will change your day immediately is to ask a guide (like Archangel Michael) to surround you with light, so your energy is your own throughout the day. This is a game changer – and it takes seconds to do (“Thank you, Michael, for surrounding me with 20 feet of white light.”) You can raise your vibration environmentally through: strengthening your body, diet changes (focusing on organic real foods rather than processed, and avoiding white flour and white sugar), creating chemical free environments for yourself, and being mindful of wireless radiation (cell phones, cordless phone base stations, wi-fi bases – all of which can be turned off a night).
You Are Safe
For over 2000 years, it has not been safe to be spiritually powerful or visible on this planet. Consequentially, all of us have information stored in our DNA from past lives and our ancestry broadcasting warnings about using our natural spiritual skills. This is self protection. Our bodies trying to survive by not standing out or speaking up spiritually. Over time, layer by layer, this old information can be released and replaced with the knowledge that it is safe now. Learning to receive support and guidance from the team of guides that are with each of us – angels, spirit guides and God – can help you to be grounded while expanding your sense of safety. The truth is: It is safe for you to be visible. It is safe for you to be powerful. It is safe for you to share your gifts. This planet is safe. You are safe. You are part of a team of millions. Go for it.
You Matter
Everyone on the planet right now is here with purpose. We are ushering in a new way of being – peace. We are all ambassadors of peace. Everyone is unified in our desire for peace and love. We create peace in our lives by dropping out of drama and authentically living the life that we want. You have something significant and magnificent to contribute to the planet. Something unique that can only come through you. You have something to express. That requires care – and action.
The choice of what to do is yours. It is worth noting that every single thing I mentioned not to do, I did myself.
Affirmations: “I am loved in each moment.” “I am visible in my power.” “I am seen, heard and understood.” “I honor everyone right where they are.”
© by Mark Mezadourian
Do you have a serene spiritual selfie? Please post it on my Facebook page: Mark Mezadourian – Angelic Infusions or in the comments below.
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Here is a link to free mp3s you can instantly download, including Create Your Day in 4:44 and Raising our Vibration with Archangel Michael.
Here are two clearing videos – Clearing and Shielding Your Energy (3 minutes) and Clearing Vows (7 minutes).
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Listen to a 15 minute radio show on 8 Steps to Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet.