Today, we honor the past by recognizing that we have a voice. With this voice, we choose to speak words of love, words of power and words of truth. We chose to speak into being a planet that is peaceful. A planet in which there is plenty. Everyone is included in this: All people, all animals and the Earth itself. We speak into being today a vision of unity and abundance. We acknowledge what has happened in the past, and choose to thrive now in love rather than try to survive in fear. We choose to live with a confident heart full of love. With love, we say to all who are scarred into believing that hate is love: Enough. It is time to open our hearts and heal. Time to forgive. Time to become “we” rather than “them”. We choose to speak this into being through kindness in our own homes, our places of work, and in our communities. We act with generosity. We allow ourselves to change. We allow ourselves to imagine of a planet that has no weapons, as there is no violence. We use our voice to allow the next phase in human evolution to be here now – true peace. Peace is here now, and we honor it. With love, we ask for this or something better. And so it is.