Drama is exhausting. The ego’s job is to maintain the status quo. When something threatens to violate the norm, let’s say a change is habit or an evolution, there will certainly be some resistance. This can be internal or in the form of other people. When someone close to you or peripheral attempts to pull you into a drama, a desire to stop or resist a change is most often the cause.
We can discern what is ours to contend with and what is a projection by noticing what is actually happening. What is actually being said? What is being asked? What is true for you? By noticing the fear or pain fueling a drama, we can quickly recognize that the solution is in recognition. To acknowledge the part of ourselves that is anxious about a change, or a person protecting their current status.
Regardless of the circumstances, we can always rely upon forgiveness to clear the decks. Forgiving in percentages helps immensely. 1%. 48%. 100%
“I forgive everyone for everything, right now.”
“I forgive myself for everything, right now.”
“I ask for forgiveness for everything, right now.”
“Everyone is doing their best.”
“I am doing my best.”
“Thank you, angels, for freeing me of all drama. My drama. And the drama of others.”
“Thank you, angels, for helping me in every aspect of my life.”
“Thank you.”
Any fear we encounter can be seen as a call for help. Loving assurance can be given to ourselves and others. In some cases taking a clear step away can create the space for a redefinition to occur. In a time where people are keenly aware of their safety, we can create the greatest peace by using our spiritual skills first – prayer, meditation, intention, asking the angels for help and surrendering situations to them. All of these acts bring peace. That peace helps us easily drop out of drama.