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12/26/2021 @ 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
A Soothing Angel Spa
Enjoy an Hour of Heartfelt Relaxation
Enjoy an Hour of Heartfelt Relaxation
The central goal in this spa is relaxation. The Angel Spa is a guided elongation of nerves, brainwaves, systems and angelic connection. In this facilitated experience there will be no hard edges, just gentle healing and peace.
The Angel Spa will gather every Friday at 7pm PST / 10pm EST starting January 7th.
– $25 for the Angel Spa
– $60 for a package of three Angel Spas (come when you choose)
– $85 for the Angel Spa plus a 30 min. Intuitive Reading with Mark (to be scheduled for another time)
– $150 for the Angel Spa plus a 60 min. Intuitive Reading with Mark (to be scheduled for another time)
– $600 for the Angel Spa plus a package of 5 hours of Intuitive Reading with Mark (to be scheduled for another time. The sessions can be done in any configuration of time, such as five one hour session or ten half hour session).
– $60 for a package of three Angel Spas (come when you choose)
– $85 for the Angel Spa plus a 30 min. Intuitive Reading with Mark (to be scheduled for another time)
– $150 for the Angel Spa plus a 60 min. Intuitive Reading with Mark (to be scheduled for another time)
– $600 for the Angel Spa plus a package of 5 hours of Intuitive Reading with Mark (to be scheduled for another time. The sessions can be done in any configuration of time, such as five one hour session or ten half hour session).
Please register using the PayPal button above or on Venmo at @Mark-Mezadourian
Recordings of The Angel Spa are available
$9 – Single Recording
$29 – Four Recordings
$100 – One Year Subscription to Receive All Recordings
Titles available:
A Crystal Bed
Beyond Words
The Guide of Light
Discovering the Heart