2553 S Colorado Blvd
Denver, CO 80222
Building a Relationship with the Angels
A Six Week Series on Zoom
Thursdays at 7pm PST
August 19th to September 23rd for an hour and a half
What are angels like? What do they do? Our beliefs about angels tend to ascribe human qualities to them. We often fear that we don’t deserve their love because of events in our past. Our language involves them coming and going as they focus on something “more important”. Yet, angels are angels, not human. They are constantly with each of us and love us unconditionally, no matter what. We can best receive the angel’s loving support when we employ our free will to welcome it.
This series is designed to shift our experience with angels from a concept to an intimate encounter. We will use simple and repeatable techniques to connect with them, including clearing with Archangel Michael, healing with Archangel Raphael, and clear communication with Archangel Gabriel. The results are freedom, lightness, confidence and expansion.
$25 per individual session.
$100 for the entire series.
$160 for the entire series plus a 30 minute Intuitive Reading with Mark.
(Anyone experiencing economic strain is welcome to take the entire series for $25.)
The Schedule:
August 19th – Making Room for the Angels (Recording available)
August 26th – What gets in the way? (Recording available)
September 2nd – What are we doing when we pray? (A discussion, so no recording)
September 9th – Reassurance (Recording available)
September 16th – Relax with the Angels
September 23rd –