Once we move past fear and doubt around our intuition, an experience of peace, calm and love is available to us.
A perfect system of guidance exists for all of us. We ask for guidance. We receive guidance. We take action. The system most often breaks down in the first step, by our not asking at all and not knowing who we are talking to. This workshop introduces you to the team of angels and guides who are with you always. You deserve the best, and part of that is receiving support. Having a relationship with your guides allows the natural system of guidance to flow freely, resulting in peace of mind, confidence and clarity.In this workshop, you will:
– Clear away any blocks to receptivity.
– Meet four of your guides, one by one: An animal, an master artist, an ascended master
and an archangel (Mark will help you identify who each one is).
– Receive specific messages and practical guidance from each guide.
– Choose a guide with whom you want to work with and connect with them.
– Set positive intentions and gather action steps from your team to make them so.
$25 for the workshop
$85 for the workshop and a 30 minute Intuitive Reading with Mark (to be scheduled for a different time).
Mark Mezadourian is an intuitive specializing in connecting with angels and guides. Accessing spirituality with heart-centered practicality is the goal of his work. Please visit his YouTube channel where there are free playlists to support empaths, healing, relaxation and building a relationship with the angels. For information on all events and intuitive readings, please visit www.markmezadourian.com.