241 W 30th St
New York, NY 10001
Watch a short video introduction to the workshop.
Have you noticed old patterns and beliefs coming up to be cleared? The best way to release them is to discover their origin, which is often not from this lifetime. With the use of simple techniques, going into your past lives is a gentle and illuminating adventure. Themes and patterns are quickly revealed, which makes changing them easy. Starting with a soothing clearing meditation, we will begin the easy process of accessing multiple past lives with your guide, Archangel Michael.
In this gathering, you will:
– Be led into six different past lifetimes.
– Learn the who, what & where of those lifetimes.
– Activate what is positive & powerful from each lifetime.
– Release what is no longer serving you.
– Feel the instant relief of blocks being removed.
– Enjoy a deep sense of peace and a fresh perspective of your life now.