09/28/2024 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
Unity Spiritual Center of San Jose
15980 Blossom Hill Road
Los Gatos
California 95032
15980 Blossom Hill Road
Los Gatos
California 95032
The Angel Healing Experience
Mark Mezadourian will show you how to work with your angels and guides to heal the legacy of thoughts and influences that no longer serve you. Come experience a thorough clearing of your being, and emerge into your highest self in this powerful guided meditation/affirmation-style workshop.
$30. Register: https://unitysanjose.org/angels
Mark Mezadourian is an intuitive specializing in connecting with angels and guides. Accessing spirituality with heart-centered practicality is the goal of his work, along with changing the conversation from fear to love. You are invited to visit his YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/ MarkMezadourian) to access free recordings for empaths, healing, relaxation and building a relationship with the angels. You can also find recordings of angel experiences on Insight Timer (http://insig.ht/ markmezadourian). For information on all events and intuitive readings, please visit www.markmezadourian.com.
Saturday, September 28th 2024
In-Person at
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
15980 Blossom Hill Rd. Los Gatos
In-Person at
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Los Gatos
15980 Blossom Hill Rd. Los Gatos