What is it about our bonds, both dear and distanced, that has such a strong impact on our health?
Two weeks ago, I was having stomach trouble that was unusual for me. It persisted for a few days until I spoke with my former wife in France, who told me that our cat, Indigo, was not feeling well and described the exact same symptoms I was experiencing. Acknowledging the strong bond I have with my cat, plus a video chat (she purrs) and a prayer for both of us resolved the issue.
Our unconscious, hardwired allegiance to each other, as humans and souls, manifests energetically then shifts into the physical. Words can alter both by inserting a choice – our free will. We live in a time where our personal definitions cannot be assumed, they must be declared. That is the whole point of the mediocrity of the era of the bully, to get us to choose what world we would like to live in. We can stop the eroding of truth with our voices. To stand up for goodness, we must feel good. The physical part is to be clear how we choose to feel. “I celebrate my radiant health. I am grateful for feeling vibrantly well each day.”
While our health is individual, our energy field is not. It takes help and a team to keep our vibrations high and bright. Our collective syncing up is called entrainment. Our personal health is very important right now in the time when the personal and the global are unified. This is one of the intentions of the Free Healing Call offered every Tuesday evening.
We don’t expect there to be a downside to our bonds and acts of love. This past Monday, I spoke with a friend who had severe asthma for six weeks. Nothing helped. We spoke, and as she described what was happening the image of a huge guy tackling her midsection and driving her backwards appeared. The guy felt terrified. I told her this, and a story revealed itself. Six weeks ago, she had been in the hospital tending to her mother, when all of the sudden she felt horrible. What came through in working with Archangel Michael was that this man had died in the hospital while my friend was there. In his fear while dying, he attached himself to her. (This is not a common occurrence, but provides a reminder that people with strong spiritual practices have a much easier time dying.) The main actions for my friend to take were to say NO to this attachment, ask Michael to clear him away and to allow her body to heal.
Also on Monday, I received feedback from a friend whom I had prayed with a few weeks prior for the end of digestive issues that had persisted for seven weeks. She reported that the issue ended shortly after we worked, as the main thrust of the prayer was individualization. With its resolution, the genesis of the issue became clear to her – she has given her troubled mother a healing and cleared her living space. While she felt good about these acts of love, she felt like crap soon after.
In tending to others, do we leave ourselves vulnerable to unwanted energy? Yes and no. Yes, in that we open our hearts when tending to others, and must be cognizant of what energy is in our environment. No, in that we are a few words away from an energetic shower – “Thank you, Archangel Michael, for clearing my energy. I am surrounded by love.” Healing and helping are not causal activities, but they can be heightened by the inclusion of guides and angels. A morning prayer and intention helps maintain our individualized energy.
How does healing actually happen?
Healing is comprised of three elements: acknowledgement, acceptance and allowing. Acknowledging what is and what is desired. Accepting change. Allowing assistance in updating the old with the new. Our bodies and hearts are excellent communicators. The role of a healer is to listen to what is actually being expressed, then facilitate action to bring harmony to a soul ready for their highest good.
Working in a sequence, we will: Establish healthy healing boundaries; Call in angels and guides; Shift from profiling a personality to seeing a soul; Gather information by inviting pain and fear to reveal their purpose; Bring relief to all systems; and Give the body an infusion unconditional love. Healing can occur with or without touch or words. We will experiment to allow each participant an opportunity to learn their own healing language in an environment of safety and respect for all who attend.
You are welcome to listen to the archive of the Free Healing Calls on my website. The most recent was on The Depth of Your Heart. If you would like to work privately on anything regarding your health, please contact me to schedule a session.