Why is it that when we work in groups and/or with a teacher, guidance flows easily?
Why does that change when we do it alone?
What wears off?
Technique – that’s what.
This workshop is about passing along simple and sturdy techniques for receiving accurate guidance and working with guides, all of which you can replicate on your own. With Archangel Michael as our escort, we’ll spend the first part on intuition, which includes: Knowing what is guidance and what is your ego; Specific wording to ensure clear guidance; and Articulating what you received for others.
In the second part, we’ll get acquainted with multiple Archangels and Ascended Masters, experiencing the process of syncing up with different guides. We will ask each guide two questions: “Why are you with me?” and “What do you want me to know?” Guidance ultimately comes down to action, and we’ll receive crystal clear actions steps from the guides. This show of support brings a deep peace, and sets up a relationship that can continue, day after day.