One hour into The Intuition Gym workshop, a wonderful moment happens. It happens when we ask for guidance by ourselves, too, often instantaneously. The wonderful workshop moment occurs about 20 to 30 minutes into practicing getting guidance, when it become simple. In the simplicity, a truth emerges: Intuition feels good in every part of our being.
Each part of the process of tuning in – Asking, Listening and Reporting – creates pleasant responses. The act of Asking (“Thank you, Archangel Ariel, for the perfect guidance for Bridgett, right now.”) connects us not only with angels and guides, but the expansive love they embody. Just asking for guidance changes our environment and state of being. Listening and receiving shifts our focus away from ourselves toward the graceful guidance coming to us. This guidance is most often subtle and close to our bodies. Not big or grand, but clear, direct and simple. All of our senses can be engaged through intuition. Reporting the guidance received is when we can recognize most clearly how angels and guides talk. Angels speak with expansive encouragement. This is free of the human ego, which would tell you that you “need to” do something. Reporting guidance with your own voice is very grounding for the giver and reassuring to the receiver.
Guidance is elegant. Intuition can be direct, yet has a poetry to it. This is how angels communicate and how guides relay their support: With grace and humor. The experience of tuning in changes when expectation and fear recede. What become clear is that our bodies and hearts already know how to receive and give guidance. Our minds can act as a focusing tool. Our entire library of knowledge is engaged in the receiving and reporting of guidance, as the angels know what song, city or word has deep resonance with us. All of this feels good, as when we are tuning in we are using all of ourselves. Whether alone or in a group, each part of us – from soul to heart – is engaged in the intuition process.