Listen here to the July 16th, 2014 radio show with Hay House author Susan Lander about her book “Conversations with History” She does a great job describing how this book strengthened her intuition and faith, as well as how the folks she interviews in her book helped her out. The show is 30 minutes.
My friend Wendy L. Yost wrote about what she got out of the show:
This interview was a SUPREME JOY to listen to!
From hearing from a published (Hay House!) author about the process of bringing a book into being, to hearing how her past skills as an attorney were put to new use for this project, to how she organized herself and those she worked with to complete the project — all provided { so much } for me in terms of insight and inspiration.
Some specifics in the interview that stood out for me —
*The feel of projects orchestrated by the other side
*The importance of being brave and taking action from that space
*How available departed people (throughout time) are to support us and inspire us and contribute to us, and humanity, from the other side, and how they continue what they’re passionate about from the great beyond
*The right time, right place, followed guidance nature of her sharing the Andy Warhol’s interview with the Editor who had worked with him
*The importance of setting aside skepticism and allowing experiences to unfold
*Allowing the signs that you’re receiving to buoy your sense of being on the right track, confirmation to keep going
*The value of listening to and noticing the signs being made available to us and taking the direction they point to
Again, a supreme joy! Thank you and please thank Susan next time you connect with her. Excited to buy the book and add it to my going on vacation with me stack.