Written on July 12th, 2011 in response to questions about my DailyOM online course, Angelic Infusions.
A few folks have asked a similar question about feeling very little connection with the Angels. This is a common occurrence, especially for those who are new to working with them. It is easily resolved.
The key to connecting with the Angels is relaxation. If you are not sensing any connection with Michael (or the other Angels), or don’t yet feel a sense of peace, I encourage you to focus on relaxation in the meditations.
Relaxation leads to receptivity.
If you are experiencing “nothing”, then there is some resistance present. This is not good or bad, it is just an energy to shift. Here are some common root causes of resistance:
– Fear. What will it be like to encounter an Angel? Will I be scared? Angels are loving beings. They will appear to you as you will best recognize them and experience them. Archangel Michael is not going to suddenly pop up in the room with you if that would startle you, as that would be unkind. But, he might shift the temperature around you so you notice a change. Or you might feel safe and totally relaxed. That is Michael at work. He’ll do little things that will grow into bigger ones.
– Worthiness. You deserve to connect with the Angels – no matter what. There is nothing you could have done to change that – no matter what. You are unconditionally loved as you are – no matter what.
– Expectation. Release the rules. Release what you know. Make yourself available for a new experience. Ram Dass wisely encourages us to not try to repeat our spiritual experiences.
– Control. It is safe for you to change. You have been attracted to this course for a reason. We are in a time on the planet where everyone is getting into sync with who they really are, and their passion/purpose. The aspects of our lives that no longer serve us are to be released. This makes room for new thoughts, ideas and energies. This exact space is where this course can support you. It is safe for you to be happy.
Intuition is a muscle. Your intuition will strengthen over time.
The Angels are right there with you in every moment.