We learn in two ways: Suffering or Insight. Most of us are jarred onto the spiritual path through suffering. An event or a series of events makes it crystal clear to us that something needs to change. Spirituality makes the world bigger. This expansion reveals our patterns and beliefs, allowing us to see where we have attachment. We see where we have been playing by the rules.
The rules are based in limitation and lack. They correspond directly to the ideas of separation and fear. The rules would have you believe that: You suck; You don’t deserve good; You should fear God; God only loves certain people; There is not enough money, luck, creativity, or love for everyone; You cannot change; and, You will be punished if you don’t obey the rules. None of this is true. All of this is about constriction, not expansion. The rules are about control.
Releasing the rules is about letting go of attachment to who you are and how the world works. It is about knowing who you actually are.
You are a brilliant soul. You are unconditionally loved and supported by God, angels, and masters. You have free will. Everything is available to you. You came into this life to share your gifts. You chose to incarnate at this specific time to usher in the era Oneness – the recognition that everything is connected. This is what is real. This is the truth of who you are and the truth of this world. This is true for every single being on the planet.
Imagine a world where everyone shares their gifts. Where everyone has all their needs met and exceeded. Where there is plenty of everything for everyone. In the absence of rules, there is order, not chaos. We all want the same things – peace and love. It is in the recognition of this common pursuit that we can shift our focus back onto ourselves, and onto the gifts that we are here to share.
The rules deny the idea of genius. The rules tell us that William Shakespeare could not have written his plays. That only a nobleman could have written so brilliantly. Certainly not a lightly educated kid from a small town in England. Shakespeare was an artist who saw everything and everyone clearly. From gravediggers to kings, he infused into his characters a sense of reality and truth that only a man who knew who he was could have created. Shakespeare did not play by the rules.
We are all here to change. Here are action steps you can take now: Focus your attention on yourself, not others; Drop out of all fights; Do what you love; Use your free will to consciously shift your beliefs from lack to expansion; Know that everyone is doing their best; and, Ask your guides for help. As we consciously change ourselves, we move into greater harmony with Oneness. We learn to change our lives through insight.