A mindful approach to your relationship with technology can rapidly lead to greater peace of mind, especially while you sleep. Try for one night to turn off all of the wireless devices in the house: cell phones, wifi, digital assistant systems, cordless phone base stations, wireless printers and baby monitors. You might be surprised how deeply you all sleep, along with a calm and expansive perspective.
[This page contains a list of solutions for anxiety and links to resources, including a recent interview I did on the subject.]
Are you feeling anxious?
A primary cause of modern anxiety is technology. Wireless radiation from cell phones, wi-fi and other devices causes inflammation. A mindful approach to your relationship with your devices can rapidly lead to greater peace of mind.
~ Protect Your Body and Brain ~
Solution #1 – Distance is your friend. Use headphones or place your phone on speaker during calls, rather than hold the phone next to your head. Also try to not hold your phone during calls. When not in use, store your phone away from your body in a bag, or across the room.
Solution #2 – Shielding. Shungite is the best crystal to protect you from wireless radiation. Having a shield placed on your phone or an individual piece of shungite helps mitigate the impact of wireless. Shielded phone cases also help minimize your exposure.
Solution #3 – Enjoy long brain waves. Our modern life has got many of us used to short brain waves, like checking our phones repeatedly. Our brains thrive on the balance of short and long waves. Long brain waves come from activities such as meditation, reading, any creative expression, having a long conversation or walking in nature. Books, and adult coloring books are excellent options for activating our imagination.
Solution #4 – Allow your brain time to process. We have the option in modern life to have constant entertainment and input. Our brains need time to do nothing to process thoughts, experiences and events.
~ Protect Your Sleep Environment ~
Solution #1 – Don’t sleep next to your phone. Get a battery powered alarm clock. Restorative sleep is essential for human health. Cell phones are far too powerful a tool to be right next to your head at night. Have your phone turned off and in another room.
Solution #2 – Turn your wi-fi off at night. A simple light timer can be used to switch it off say between 11pm and 7am, when it is not in use.
Solution #3 – Turn off digital assistant systems. These systems are like a cell tower in your home. Alexa systems listen for your command by blasting out a big field of wireless radiation. (Baby monitors operate in a similar manner.) These can also be turned off at night with a timer, unplugged, or, ideally, discarded
Solution #4 – Replace cordless phones. A cordless phone base station is like a cell tower in your home. A corded phone is an easy replacement.
~ Items focused on alleviating anxiety ~
EMF Protecting Phone Cases – https://www.safesleevecases.com
Battery Powered Alarm Clock – (example) https://www.amazon.com/Pluteck-Ticking-Nightlight-Ascending-Battery/dp/B01J19XXA4/ref=asc_df_B01J19XXA4/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=191995157905&hvpos=1o3&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5202113513418542312&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033108&hvtargid=pla-303420850308&psc=
EMF Protection Pocket Pouch – https://www.defendershield.com/emf-radiation-protection-pouch?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI15Drypj24gIVFMJkCh02yw_TEAQYAiABEgJzMvD_BwE
Plug-in Light Timer – (example) https://www.lowes.com/pd/PRIME-15-Amp-2-Outlet-Mechanical-Residential-Plug-in-Countdown-Lighting-Timer/4740882
All of It on WNYC – Digital Minimalism
A 30 minute overview of the psychological impact of social media and how it has changed our brains by Georgetown University professor Cal Newport. His book, Digital Minimalism, is available at New Renaissance Bookshop in Portland, East West Bookshop in Mountain View and at your local bookstore.
Psychology Today – How Technology Makes Us Anxious
Great points about uncertainty. The phones have relieved minor uncertainties from our lives (like directions and communication), but give us less experience with bigger uncertainties, like jobs, romance and the ambiguities of human interaction.
Science Direct – Wi-Fi Is An Important Threat to Human Health by Dr. Martin Pall
Dr. Pall is an expert in the correction between wireless radiation / EMF’s and our health. This scientific article points to an array of studies over decades about the impact on our health.
Here are more positive actions to take:
We are always a breath away from a brand new experience. Breathe in like it is your very first breath. Do this 10 times. It will bring calm by engaging your body in a peaceful activity.
Say this out loud: “Thank you, angels and guides, for helping me to be centered and calm right now. I surrender all anxiety and fear to you right now. Thank you, Archangel Michael, for clearing my energy and for surrounding me with 20 feet of unconditional love. I choose to focus on peace and love. I take excellent care of myself. I am safe. I am protected. Thank you.”
This combination of affirmations and release, fueled by your free will, will reorganize your experience immediately. Anxiety makes life seem small. Spirituality makes everything bigger. Angels respond to our free will.
Reach Out
Reach out to reliable souls (more than one, if possible). For those in theirpeople who are older than you. Talk to people about how you are feeling in the moment – acknowledge – then about how you want to feel. Just complaining will perpetuate the angst, leaving no room for a new thought.
Rely Upon the Wisdom of Others
Wisdom is lightly regarded in our current culture. People with some experience on the planet are good problem solvers, and can help bring a fresh perspective to any problem. It helps to hear an actual human voice or connect with someone eye to eye.
Take Action
Notice your surroundings. Specifically, notice your safety. If you notice that you are safe, let your body know that by saying out loud “I am safe.” If you do not feel safe, take action to change that situation or remove yourself from it.
Drop out of right and wrong.
Despite division being the major theme of our time, we are all sharing the same central experience of wanting peace and love. The desire for peace and love bonds us all.
What is impacting your sensitive self? Notice your surroundings like an archeologist. What is present that is agitating to your nerves? How much technology is in your immediate proximity? Is there a phone in your hand or on/near your body constantly?
Get some fresh air, get out in nature. Let your bare feet stand on grass or earth.