The popular HBO show Westworld features robots who are designed to live a life that repeats, living the same pattern over and over with variation but no learning. The drama comes when a software change enables the robots to develop consciousness and use their free will to change their fate. Perhaps the popularity and resonance of the show is in … [Read more...]
Mediumship with the Angels
Portland, OR Saturday, November 12th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at New Renaissance Bookshop (1338 NW 23rd Street) - $30 (Limited to 15 participants) The benefit of mediumship is relief. Have you been to a mediumship workshop in which the presenter gave readings to just a small fraction of the audience? Did you find the anticipation of “Will they … [Read more...]
The Release of Love
Beautiful words by Laurie Anderson about her husband, Lou Reed, who transitioned recently: "I believe that the purpose of death is the release of love. At the moment, I have only the greatest happiness and I am so proud of the way he lived and died, of his incredible power and grace. I'm sure he will come to me in my dreams and will seem to … [Read more...]