"I am grateful to be at Liberty to: Think, Feel, Change, Love, Choose, Be, Discover, Let Go, Open, Close, Create, Communicate, Commit, Share, Err, Learn, Grow, Receive, Give, Heal, Dream, Thrive, Relax, Say No, Say Yes and Celebrate." What does Liberty offer you? … [Read more...]
Several people I have spoken with recently have expressed a feeling of apathy. This is showing up in these two beliefs: "What I do doesn't matter." and "There is no point in trying to do anything." Apathy is feedback from your soul indicating that you are ready for a shift. We shift by letting go. Going to the next level of consciousness will … [Read more...]
Attract Your Divine Partner Workshop
Next In Person Workshops: Portland, OR Workshop - Sunday, October 7th from 2pm to 6pm at New Renaissance Bookshop $50 - Shift from looking for partnership to attracting it. - **Are you single or in a dissatisfying relationship?** The root cause of this is not fate or luck, it is your beliefs, and beliefs can … [Read more...]