How much time does your spiritual life require? What happens when we let go of what we “should” do and honor what actually works for us?
We all have flashes of insight, often in the shower or while working out. Even if it is just a second long, it changes us. In recent weeks I’ve been aware of the place where we can expand and extend these moments of spiritual clarity into the rest of our day and beyond.
For myself, each morning I pray/intend and then ask for guidance, which I write down. This guidance comes in rapidly and clearly. This sets a tone for my day. My perception is focused on love, which provides a lens to see my life through.
I think of guidance as voice mail. The Universe wants us to know something. It is our job to check our messages. Often this message is simple – a reminder of the support available to each of us. Like we would do with a phone message, we can respond. We can take in a breath, and ask them (your guides) out loud (or in your mind) “Thank you for the message.” Followed by “What else do you want me to know?” This action places us in relationship with our guides. We have expanded a flash into a conversation.
Perhaps this conversation will last a minute. Maybe more. Maybe a lot more. What matters is that we are connected and listening.