What would be thrilling for you in 2020?
What would be exhilarating?
What would be fun?
What would you like to happen in your country?
What wisdom would you like to embrace?
We have a tremendous say in our own lives and in what manifests on the planet. The questions above prompt us into an expansive vision of our preferences. Our individual happiness is not trivial, it is vital. When we think of our lives in the context of our long term happiness, it clarifies what is the most expansive choice for us in each moment.
The recording of the New Year’s Day Visioning 2020 Call is available for $10.
Setting Expansive Intentions for an Unique Year
In the absence of a vision for our lives, we merely react.
Visioning focuses our attention on what we want, not how or when it will happen. The clarity of our intention opens doors. In this workshop, we will consciously interrupt old patterns, then set specific intentions for safety, wellness, love, abundance and purpose in 2020. We’ll take the additional step of asking angels and guides for support and guidance. The immediate results of this process are confidence, clear action steps and peace of mind.
In this guided experience, you will:
– Connect with your angels and guides.
– Release what you are complete with.
– Clear limiting influences and beliefs.
– Vision what you want to happen in your life.
– Receive clear actions steps.
– Express gratitude like it is already done.