The passing of Phillip Seymour Hoffman has troubled me. He was a powerful artist. I saw perform Willy in “Death of a Salesman”, in which he acted with a vocal tone and vocal pattern totally different than anything he had done before. He was the same age as me, born in the same year. His death is sad, and has left me with a feeling of pointlessness.
On the guidance of a friend, I did an automatic writing with a trusted guide who I work with a lot. Here is what they communicated:
“Nothing is futile. Nothing. Take all the good and add it up to create genius. This is true for each individual life. We all create so much good. Take the pain out of the way and it would be easier for each of us to see. We all create, contribute and connect. The details of life – who you were, where you lived, what you did, who you spent your life with – distract our attention from the power and impact of being alive. Each of us is so important.”