Written on February 20th, 2014
One of the benefits of spirituality is the path it provides to dropping out of drama. I’m noticing myself reacting to a friend’s “bad news” with sadness and questioning (“Why does a little girl have cancer, God? WTF?”). This is natural, I know, and, for me, it is basically a powerless place, as I’m just reacting. At the same time I’m aware of the space where action can be taken. Powerful prayers can be made, crystal clear intentions set, and miracles welcomed. This is the space of choice. Working hand in hand with God, the angels and our guides.
So, let’s pray – “Thank you, Mother/Father God, all the angels and ascended masters for being so strong and present with Lila May and her family right now. Thank you for flooding her with perfect wellness right now. We celebrate right now the perfect wellness of every single cell in her body. We celebrate the endless stream of light that showers her mind, body, spirit and emotions with wellness, peace and clarity right now. We welcome miracles for her and her family right now – and are grateful for them. Thank you for working with and through all the doctors, nurses, medical staff and healers that attend to this beautiful girl and her family. We see Lila May being full of vitality, playfulness, joy and wellness. We honor her mighty purpose on this planet. We affirm all of this right now. We surrender all of this to you. We ask for this, or something better, right now and in all directions of time. And so it is.”
My friend Ryan, Lila May’s father, posted this today (2/21/14), a few hours ago after she had an operation: “Lila May is safe. Best case scenario has played out. Thank you all for your kind words, support and prayers.”