What do you do when someone offers you a backhanded compliment or makes a biting comment?
We can choose to not take it personally – by recognizing that it has nothing to do with you. What helps in that process is to understand what they are actually doing. They are, consciously or not, trying to engage your ego. They are trying to even the playing field energetically. In other words, they are attempting to bring you down to their vibration.
Our job is to say no to that, and yes to love. We can choose to not get caught up in drama.
“You look better than you did last time!”
This comment was made to me this weekend at the Aum and Garden Mind Body Spirit Expo by a guy I met once before. When he said this, I laughed, as it seemed absurd. I then changed the subject (“Have a great time.”) and disengaged. As I walked away, I thought “I can write about this.”
In the past I would have been angry and hurt, likely lashing out with some comment of my own. But then I’m in a drama. Trying to figure out why someone would say or do something gets you in a story. This is where the work is – getting your focus back onto you.
Instead of being in a drama, I’m choosing something else. I had a fantastic time this weekend. I met great people and had a lot of fun.
In the event that you feel someone is sending you negativity, the first step is to come fully into your adult/powerful self. Others have power over us only when we let them. Call in Michael, ask him to clear and shield you, and bless the other person. Then, get you attention totally on yourself, and vision the life you want. Affirm that there is plenty of everything for everyone. And go about your day.
When we fixate on another person, our attention is off of ourselves and what we want. We can choose to forgive them, drop out of drama, and take action toward what we want.