One hour into The Intuition Gym workshop, a wonderful moment happens. It happens when we ask for guidance by ourselves, too, often instantaneously. The wonderful workshop moment occurs about 20 to 30 minutes into practicing getting guidance, when it become simple. In the simplicity, a truth emerges: Intuition feels good in every part of our … [Read more...]
5 Steps to Instant Care
What would it be like to be cared for right now? Let the angels help. Your role is to simply act and ask. 1. Breathe in like it is your first breath. Notice how fantastic it feels to breathe in deeply. Your body knows exactly what to do to relax. 2. Clear Your Energy. Say out loud or in your mind "Thank you, Angels, for clearing and shielding … [Read more...]
Care and Harm
Have you noticed how agreements with ourselves and others are being broken? Now is the time to allow old habits and patterns to recede into the background, and welcome new methods and perspectives to come forward. We have an opportunity to be fresh in our approach to different aspects of life. For instance, if we look at our lives in terms of … [Read more...]
How to Handle Negativity
What do you do when someone offers you a backhanded compliment or makes a biting comment? We can choose to not take it personally - by recognizing that it has nothing to do with you. What helps in that process is to understand what they are actually doing. They are, consciously or not, trying to engage your ego. They are trying to even the … [Read more...]
Loving Yourself and Being Loved
Valentine's Day prompts us to be aware of our relationships. We can include our relationship with ourselves in this awareness. To honor and take great care of ourselves is a gift that rewards us with energy, clarity and wisdom. By paying attention to and meeting our own needs, we nurture into being a relaxed state in which guidance and inspiration … [Read more...]