A few weeks ago, while in the process of making phone calls to landlords about available housing, I suddenly broke out in a sweat and was full of anxiety. Not knowing what was going on, I called a trusted friend who guided me to “really be in the fear” in order to see what was actually there. I process best through writing, and in my journal the first words written were “Shame. I don’t deserve a good place to live.”
Instantly, I was connected with a past life that I had seen only once before. My duty in that life was to hunt down and kill Mary Magdalene. (We are not always the good guys.) While I failed in my quest to kill her, a lot of damage was done along the way. I asked Archangel Michael to clear everything that was no longer serving me from that lifetime, and to be forgiven. In that process, an attachment to being a nomad and a claim on a specific territory in a far off land were released, both of which were hindering flow in my current housing search.
While writing, what brought me instant peace was knowing that these beliefs were not from this lifetime. Energy, patterns and beliefs from our past lives and our ancestry can be cleared easily through technique, especially when we recognize that they are coming up to the surface with purpose.
This is the main theme right now – the past coming up to be cleared.
This week, a friend told me about an anxiety dream she had about her parents, which left her fearing for their wellbeing. Just saying to her “That may not be from this lifetime” brought her relief and created space for her to stop feeling dread. In a one hour session, we delved into past lives around her parents. Five different lifetimes came forward, revealing patterns that had carried over into her current life.
What can be done to shift the energy is to acknowledge the existing belief, then replace it with something more expansive. A belief of abonadonment can be replaced with the knowledge that you are always connected, seen and heard. This sounds simple – and it is. We are going to the root of the belief and bringing awareness to what created the pattern so we can change it.
If you would like to shift energy around any beliefs and patterns from other lifetimes that have come up for you, we can arrange a session to clear them. For past life and/or ancestry work, a half hour or a one hour session will work well. I look forward to connecting with you. As a preview of clearing beliefs, you can listen to a recent radio show.