I voted by mail last Wednesday. I had my say. After the ballot hit the box I felt proud. I felt heard. What a privilege it is to vote. What a luxury to have a choice. What an honor. Suddenly, I was very aware of all the people throughout history who did not have a choice. Who had the will of another thrust upon them. Lives ended or … [Read more...]
Relaxing Resistance
The key to connecting with the Angels is relaxation. If you are trying to connect with the Angels but are not sensing any connection with them, or don't feel a sense of peace, I encourage you to focus on relaxation and breath. Relaxation leads to receptivity. If you are experiencing "nothing", then perhaps there is some resistance present. … [Read more...]
Spiritual Strategy for the Holidays
In Person Friday, December 8th from 7:30pm to 9pm at East West Bookshop in Mountain View, CA - $25. Please call the store to RSVP at (650) 988-9800. On Your Phone Monday, December 11th from 7pm to 8pm PST / 10pm to 11pm EST on Your Phone - $20 What is the most radical thing you can do this Holiday Season? Enjoy it. Interrupt seasonal … [Read more...]
A Prayer for Our Times
"Thank you, Angels, for interrupting, exposing and stopping any and all ideas, plans or actions to harm others in any way right now. We thank you for opening the hearts of all beings into a place of unity and confidence, as we choose to do this ourselves. With open hearts and clear minds, we choose to drop out of fear. We choose to participate in … [Read more...]
Introduction to Intuition (Special $7 Class)
Sherman Oaks, CA Sunday, April 21st from 12pm to 1pm - $7 Intuition is a natural ability that we all possess. The accuracy of your intuitive guidance begins with having a clear intention. The most common question about receiving guidance is “How do I know it’s not my ego talking?” With clear wording, your request for guidance becomes as … [Read more...]
Is What You Are Feeling From This Lifetime?
A few weeks ago, while in the process of making phone calls to landlords about available housing, I suddenly broke out in a sweat and was full of anxiety. Not knowing what was going on, I called a trusted friend who guided me to "really be in the fear" in order to see what was actually there. I process best through writing, and in my journal the … [Read more...]
Ending Violence by Visioning Peace
Written on December 18th, 2012 in response to the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting. Guidance to make a change comes to us repeatedly until we take action. When we don’t heed the guidance, The Universe brings it up again, perhaps in more noticeable ways. The magnitude of the events of last Friday have got everyone’s attention. At this precise … [Read more...]