Understanding the Angels
Six Practical Experiences in Six Weeks Online Series
Starting on Monday, October 16th at 7pm PST on Zoom.
$40 for the series, which includes a recording of each session.
$95 for the series plus a 30 minute intuitive reading with Mark
Please register by using the PayPal link on my website – https://www.markmezadourian.com/event/understanding-angels-zoom/ – or Venmo @Mark-Mezadourian (1245), or Zelle (mark@markmezadourian.com at Wells Fargo).
You can join the series at any time, as each session is recorded, or experience the recordings in your own time.
We will meet on Mondays: October 16th, 23rd, 30th, November 6th, 13th, and 20th on Zoom.
The goal of this course is to build a beautiful and fulfilling relationship with the angels. This relationship involves understanding who the angels are, what they do and where they can help. Our approach to all of this will be practical and experiential, but also infused with healthy curiosity and tremendous fun. The warm presence and active support of the angels will diminish any apprehension around our ability to connect with them.
Our goal in any spiritual endeavor is to create space and welcome light, and the angels will help us to do both. Angels engage us with unconditional love. We are mostly accustomed to conditional love – love that is temporary, negotiated, situational – or love that is diminished by feelings of unworthiness. In this series, we will get to know the angels by being actively engaged with them over the six weeks. We will delve into the systems the angels use to sync up with us. With the use of simple and repeatable techniques, we will relax into a lasting and joyful connection with them.
Week 1 – The Who, What and Where of Angels (10/16) – Who are the angels? What can they do? Where are they? Where can they help us? How do angels talk? What do they talk about? In this introductory session, we will discuss the myths and facts about angels, how to call upon them, and how to discern between ego and guidance.
Week 2 – Asking for Help: Which Angels to Call Upon for Specific Topics (10/23) – All angels can do anything. Yet, it helps us to know which specific angel to call upon for a specific topic. Such as: Raphael for healing, Michael for clearing, Gabriel for communication, Haniel for grace, Ariel for animals and Uriel for creativity. We will practice calling upon these angels for ourselves, our loved ones and others.
Week 3 – Protection, Safety and Clearing (10/30) – The foundation of our peaceful planet begin with our individual peace. We will engage with Archangel Michael in clearing all energy, establishing protection and allowing ourselves to feel safe.
Week 4 – How the Angels Heal Us (11/6) – Our bodies and being provide us with feedback when they are overwhelmed. Healing is like answering a voicemail from ourselves. The angels help us to heal in a myriad of ways, all of which centers on acknowledgement and action. We will engage in asking the angels to heal ourselves, our loved ones and the planet.
Week 5 – How Guidance Works and the Clairs (11/13) – Angelic guidance has a system: Ask. Receive. Act. We will practice each part in detail. We will also explore each Clair – Seeing, hearing, knowing, feeling (plus smell and taste). We are all hardwired with all six Clairs, yet we often have one or two that are more dominant, like being left or right handed.
Week 6- Angels and Our Life’s Purpose (11/20) – We are all here with purpose. We will ask the angels to illuminate our individual purpose, to provide help in fulfilling that purpose, and to receive clear action steps to help us move forward with grace and confidence.
Mark will guide you through each session, so no experience is needed. As always with healing, the goal is not to kick open the door, but to create space and gain muscle in all aspects of our lives 1% (or more) at a time.