Let's pray for wellness - yours, mine, your cousins, animals, everyone and everything on the planet: "Thank you, Angels, for showering every single being on this planet with perfect wellness right now. Thank you for all of us enjoying the perfect flow of energy, clarity, peace, focus and joy. We celebrate the harmony of our hearts and minds. Thank … [Read more...]
Daydreaming and Focus are Good for Your Brain
"Your social networking should be done during a designated time, not as constant interruptions to your day." The New York Times published this article by Daniel J,. Levitin called Hit the Resent Button in Your Brain. Great article advocating daydreaming and sustained stretches of focus (i.e not checking your phone every 15 … [Read more...]
Dropping Into Your Heart
March 5th, 2013 Have you noticed instant manifestations in your life recently? The speed in which our thoughts are becoming experiences presents us with the chance to not only be mindful, but to notice what is real and what is a distraction. Old thoughts, beliefs and experiences can be placed in the distraction category. What happened in the … [Read more...]