I wrote this for the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide a year ago today: Today, we honor the past by recognizing that we have a voice. With this voice, we choose to speak words of love, words of power and words of truth. We chose to speak into being a planet that is peaceful. A planet in which there is plenty. Everyone is included in … [Read more...]
Where Does Love Stop?
Where does love stop? Where does hate start? Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who has refused to do her job and issue marriage licenses to gay couples, is being celebrated by a slice of America for choosing to put her beliefs over her duty. The issue here is not about gay marriage or her faith. The issue is hate. She stands as an … [Read more...]
What is Grace?
What is Grace? Grace is the water that cleanses your hands. Grace is the wind that produces sounds. Grace is the surface you walk upon. Grace is a touch that pleases you. Grace is delight. Grace is the feeling of confident contentment. Gravity is grace. You are grace breathing. You are grace smiling. You are grace caring. You are grace … [Read more...]
Wellness Prayer
Let's pray for wellness - yours, mine, your cousins, animals, everyone and everything on the planet: "Thank you, Angels, for showering every single being on this planet with perfect wellness right now. Thank you for all of us enjoying the perfect flow of energy, clarity, peace, focus and joy. We celebrate the harmony of our hearts and minds. Thank … [Read more...]
Experiencing Everyone as One
For the last week, I've spent time each day consciously being in a state of Oneness. Oneness is a space where we acknowledge that everything is part of the same energy. We are all One. Another way to say this is that Oneness is unconditional love. I have been practicing this in places where there are lots of people, like on the subway in New … [Read more...]
Video – It Is All Going to Work Out
Enjoy the video. … [Read more...]