What would it be like to be cared for right now?
Let the angels help. Your role is to simply act and ask.
1. Breathe in like it is your first breath. Notice how fantastic it feels to breathe in deeply. Your body knows exactly what to do to relax.
2. Clear Your Energy. Say out loud or in your mind “Thank you, Angels, for clearing and shielding my energy.”
3. Hand over your problems to the angels. Say or think “Angels, I hand all of this over to you.” Surrender all of it to them – your relationships, worry, fear, anger, resentment, pain, anxiety and injustice. The Angels will help in resourceful ways that we can’t predict.
4. Shift your environment. Take action to make things quiet and to change your perspective. Create distance between your body and electronics even for a few minutes (walk away from the computer, move your cellphone a few feet away from your body or onto airplane mode.) At night, make sure your phone is off or in airplane mode and away from your body. Small acts of self care open our hearts.
5. Change your brain. Long brain waves help bring peace to our bodies. Any activity that will capture your attention for 10 minutes or more will change your brain, and relax your body. Meditate. Read. Walk in or observe nature. Watch an favorite show or film. Look at or create art. Drawing for ten minutes can be about creating flow rather than creating a masterpiece.
Here is a 3 minute Clearing video: