What would it be like to be cared for right now? Let the angels help. Your role is to simply act and ask. 1. Breathe in like it is your first breath. Notice how fantastic it feels to breathe in deeply. Your body knows exactly what to do to relax. 2. Clear Your Energy. Say out loud or in your mind "Thank you, Angels, for clearing and shielding … [Read more...]
Two Free Calls on 11/11
Tomorrow - Two Free Calls for 11/11 Calls - 4pm to 4:20pm PST / 7pm to 7:20pm EST and 7:30pm to 7:50pm PST / 10:30pm to 10:50pm EST Connect with the calm clarity creates. We will listen to the angels message about 11/11, and our role in this period of transition on the planet. The dial-in number is (712) 432-0490, then the code … [Read more...]
Impatience – Attracting Your Divine Partner Radio Show
You are right on time. The clocks and calenders can fall away. The social pressure and comparison to others can cease. This places you in the present moment, available to your highest good and ready to take action. That's what we do in this show, with Archangel Gabriel as our guide. At the end, there is a great question on "When will I meet my … [Read more...]