Several people I have spoken with recently have expressed a feeling of apathy. This is showing up in these two beliefs: “What I do doesn’t matter.” and “There is no point in trying to do anything.”
Apathy is feedback from your soul indicating that you are ready for a shift.
We shift by letting go. Going to the next level of consciousness will make everything more simple. Compassion and kindness are the keys to expansion. The answer to knowing how to shift comes by answering this question: “What is the kindest act I can do for myself?”
All of us matter. Nothing we do is futile. If something doesn’t work, it provides you with contrast for what will work. We are all creating the world we live in. We are in a time when dropping out of drama – personal and global – allows us to see how powerful our thoughts and words are. Collectively, we can choose to shower our immediate circle of friends, family, co-workers and neighbors with love, compassion and kindness.
Spirituality is about action. When we find ourselves in a place of stagnation, something gets to change. Michael Bernard Beckwith says that all spiritual growth involves letting something go. The belief that you don’t matter is the one that can go.