When clusters of past romantic partners are contacting you, it means that you have changed. Specifically, that you have changed vibration. Unconsciously, they feel your shift and their contacting you is an attempt to regain vibrational harmony - a "Hey! Where did you go?". This is feedback that the changes you are making are working. Acknowledge or … [Read more...]
Change Is In the Air
Change is in the air for everyone, mainly changing longstanding ways of doing things. It can be quite frustrating when what has worked for us in the past no longer does. What we can rely upon is our flexibility and dexterity. We are naturally adaptable to change, as our lives constantly shift in one way or another. The changes that are here to be … [Read more...]
Several people I have spoken with recently have expressed a feeling of apathy. This is showing up in these two beliefs: "What I do doesn't matter." and "There is no point in trying to do anything." Apathy is feedback from your soul indicating that you are ready for a shift. We shift by letting go. Going to the next level of consciousness will … [Read more...]
Unplugging from Overwhelm
Sherman Oaks, CA Saturday, October 14th from 1:30pm to 3pm at Aum and Garden - $25 Watch a short video introduction to the workshop. Listen to a 15 minute radio show on Unplugging from Overwhelm. The goal of this workshop is your freedom. In this experiential workshop, we will gently look over the environmental, energetic and emotional … [Read more...]