The popular HBO show Westworld features robots who are designed to live a life that repeats, living the same pattern over and over with variation but no learning. The drama comes when a software change enables the robots to develop consciousness and use their free will to change their fate. Perhaps the popularity and resonance of the show is in … [Read more...]
Free Healing Calls
*The dial in number is (319) 527-3510, the the code 276469# Every Tuesday at 7pm PST / 10pm EST Welcome to the Free Healing Call. During these weekly calls, we will work with angels and guides to heal and clear aspects of our lives that no longer serve us. We will replace the old with sparkling fresh energy and perspectives. Each week, we'll … [Read more...]
We Have a Say
At any moment, under any circumstances, we can let the Universe know what we would like to happen. We have a say. The news lets us know where to direct prayer and intention. Prophecy is a suggestion. Pain is feedback. Our words, thoughts and hearts have sway. Before the 2012 London Olympics, I was participating in a spiritual gathering with … [Read more...]