*The dial in number is (319) 527-3510, the the code 276469# Every Tuesday at 7pm PST / 10pm EST Welcome to the Free Healing Call. During these weekly calls, we will work with angels and guides to heal and clear aspects of our lives that no longer serve us. We will replace the old with sparkling fresh energy and perspectives. Each week, we'll … [Read more...]
Video – What to Do When You Don’t Know What to Do or What You Want
If you want to change your life and don't know what to do, this video provides insights into creating the conditions for change to happen. The video is 5:30 minutes long. … [Read more...]
Affirmation - "It is safe for me to be safe." Our sense of safety, or lack of, is the primary distraction to being in our power. We want to be certain that we are safe. To refresh our experience of safety, we can make this simple request: "Thank you, angels, for protecting me always." Once that request is made, allow yourself to tune into … [Read more...]
Ending Violence by Visioning Peace
Written on December 18th, 2012 in response to the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting. Guidance to make a change comes to us repeatedly until we take action. When we don’t heed the guidance, The Universe brings it up again, perhaps in more noticeable ways. The magnitude of the events of last Friday have got everyone’s attention. At this precise … [Read more...]